
InstantOn is a feature of Edge Acceleration that allows you to selectively cache HTML elements for faster page loading.

Typical eCommerce storefronts rely on hundreds of objects, such as stylesheets, images, audio, video, and third-party applications, that slow down page render times. InstantOn speeds up browser processing and improves the user experience by delivering a portion of the page from its beginning (head section) to a specified point (typically the beginning of the body section) as static content. This allows Yottaa to serve entire pages before dynamic content is requested from the origin server for any page. With InstantOn, browsers can deliver and render dynamic web pages earlier and faster.

InstantOn differentiates between the static (cacheable) elements and dynamic elements on an HTML page. It then breaks the page into small, cached pieces and replaces dynamic elements with configurable placeholders so that the entire page can be cached and sent to the user.

When a dynamic page is requested, Yottaa delivers some pieces to the client instantly, while simultaneously fetching dynamic content from the origin server. As a result, the browser can kick off the process of rendering the page while the dynamic pieces are still en route. When the origin server produces the dynamic content, for example, cart contents, Yottaa delivers those pieces to the client with the intelligence to properly integrate them with the existing page. When the dynamic content arrives, most of the page will already be rendered in the user’s browser; the browser only has to position the dynamic content in its proper location.