Context Intelligence Settings

On the Context Intelligence Settings page, organization administrators can manage user profiles and split tests. To access this page, click Settings > Context Intelligence. User profiles and split tests are advanced options that are useful for some sites. See User Profiles and Split Tests for potential use cases.

User Profiles

The User Profiles list displays all user profiles that have been created for your site. If you have not yet created any user profiles, the default profile displays in the list.

A Click to drag a profile to a different position on the list. The list order does not affect functionality, but it will change the order in which user profiles appear in the drop-down menu on the Performance and Security Rules pages.
B The name of the profile that you entered in the Create User Profile slider. Every site begins with a Default Profile
C Shows which types of traffic the user profile applies to. Hover over Matching Page Views to see a detailed list of conditions for traffic that the user profile applies to.
D Shows the number of rules assigned to the user profile.

Shows the Publisher status for the profile. The following statuses are available: 

Live The user profile is active and appears in the drop-down at the top of the Performance Rules page.
Live and Disabled The user profile is not active but has not been deleted.
Pending Publication The user profile has been created but is not yet live, or you have made changes to the user profile that have not yet been published. Click Publisher to publish these new or edited user profiles.
F Click next to a user profile name to select one of the following options: 
Edit ActionsOpens the Performance Rules or Security Rules page, where you can edit individual rules by clicking next to the rule name and clicking Edit Rule.
Link ActionsOpens the Edit Actions Links slider, where you can apply different rules to different user profiles.
DisableDisables the profile. The profile still exists, but no longer appears on the Performance Rules page, and no traffic is assigned to the profile. To reverse this decision, click Enable in the same menu.
EditOpens the Edit User Profile slider, where you can edit the profile name and which traffic to apply it to.
DeleteDeletes the user profile. When selected, the profile no longer exists anywhere on your site. It does not appear in the list of user profiles, no traffic is applied to the profile, and it cannot be restored (though you can recreate it).

To edit, disable, change linked actions, or delete a profile, you must confirm your choice in the Publisher.

Split Tests

The Split Tests lists displays all the split tests you have created for your site.

A The name of the split test that you set in the Create Split Test Slider. In this example, the split test is being used to create an A/B test.
B The split test variations and their traffic percentages. If you did not give the variations names, they are titled Variation 1, Variation 2, and so on by default.
C Shows the number of sites, profiles, and actions (rules) that the split test is applied to. In this case, the split test is in use by a user profile.

Shows the Publisher status for the profile. The following statuses are available: 

Live The split test is active and appears in the drop-down in the Apply To section of the Create Performance Rule and Create Security Rule sliders. .
Live and Disabled The split test is not active but has not been deleted.
F Click next to a split test name to select one of the following options: 
Used ByOpens the Used By slider, which displays a list of the profiles, sites, and actions (rules) that use the split test. This option only displays for split tests that are assigned to a user profile.
DisableDisables the split test and all associated rules and user profiles. To reverse this decision, click Enable in the same menu.
EditOpens the Edit Split Test slider where you can change the split test's variations, percentages, and other options.
DeleteDeletes the split test. You cannot delete a split test that has associated rules or user profiles.

When you edit, disable, or delete a split test, your changes go into effect immediately. You do not need to confirm in the Publisher.