Library Releases and Versions

Yottaa ships new releases of its libraries when the libraries have key updates and when the numbered release of a library type progresses from one version to the next.

  • Library types: Monitor, Optimize, Protect, Service Worker

  • Library versions: Latest, Next, Untagged

Release Version Numbering

When a library is created, Yottaa assigns a new version number appropriate to the scope of the change being introduced.

Yottaa uses semantic versioning (SemVer) to guide the release number assignment. In this scheme, risk and functionality are the measures of significance. Breaking changes are indicated by increasing the major number (high risk); new, non-breaking features increment the minor number (medium risk); and all other non-breaking changes increment the patch number (lowest risk).

The release numbering scheme follows this pattern: Major.Minor.Patch.

See the following sections for more information on numbered library releases, library types, and library versions.

Each library has both a type and a version.

The section below lists each library release, its date, and its major features, from the most recent back to the advent of libraries in November 2022.

Check the following sections to see what is available and coming soon for your library type.

Holiday Code Freeze

Yottaa suspends all library releases during the holiday code freeze, which typically begins in late October and continues through early January. The specific dates are chosen each year depending on conditions at the time. Yottaa may publish a portal release in December if changes to the UI are necessary to keep the Yottaa portal current with evolving security requirements.