Performance Dashboard

Use this dashboard to monitor page loading metrics and Google's core web vitals so you can pinpoint where problems are occurring on your site. While web vitals (interaction to next paint, cumulative layout shift, and largest contentful paint) only show data for Chromium-based browsers such as Chrome, the quality of each metric affects your SEO ranking in Google searches. The other performance metrics on this page display data for all browsers supported by Yottaa. Click the data boxes to see more information about each metric.




Page Load Time

The average onloadClosed the time it takes for the initial HTML document to load with all stylesheets, images, and subframes. At this point, the page is usually interactive to users. "Onload time" is equal to the high-resolution timestamp returned by the PerformanceNavigationTiming.loadEventEnd property. time. This metric appears only for traditional web applications (not single-page applications).

SPA Render Time

The moment when the single-page application is rendered and interactive to the user. This metric appears only for single-page applications.

First Byte Time

The time from the start of a network request until the first byte of information reaches the shopper's browser.

Last Byte Time

The time from the start of a network request until the last byte of information reaches the shopper's browser.

Interaction to Next Paint

A combined assessment of a page's overall responsiveness to user interactions by observing the latency of all click, tap, and keyboard interactions that occur throughout the lifespan of a user's visit to a page. The final INP value is the longest interaction observed, ignoring outliers.

For Chromium browsers only, but affects your site's SEO ranking in Google.

Cumulative Layout Shift

The amount by which the content of a page shifts or reflows, which is visually disruptive and can cause users to accidentally click on the wrong element.

For Chromium browsers only, but affects your site's SEO ranking in Google.

Largest Contentful Paint

The time it takes for the largest piece of visible content on a page to load. This metric does not measure when the content becomes interactive.

For Chromium browsers only, but affects your site's SEO ranking in Google.


Key Insights

The key insights section changes dynamically based on the selected data box. Click the drop-down text below to read about the information that appears for each metric.


Use the trends graphs to monitor your site performance and identify problem areas. Use the drop-down menus to change the metric, filter, and rollup data.

The Real-time Data graph shows data in one-minute increments and updates every 15 minutes. By default, the graph shows the past hour. Use the drop-down menu to select a different hour. Use this graph to see how recent changes are affecting your site.


This section shows data for the past 24 hours, regardless of the date filter selected at the top of the page. Resource-level data covers the last 6 hours.

Use the first drop-down menu to show either the performance impact of each page category or a statistical analysis broken down by metric. For core web vitals, click the colored range bars to determine which pages and page categories are slowing down your site.

When you click a colored range bar, a table appears showing the most viewed pages in the selected range and page category.

You can view additional diagnostic information by clicking the name of a page category in the page categories column. The following options are available: 

Page Load Distribution Displays a bar graph showing the distribution of the selected metric for the selected page category for the past hour. Use the drop-down menu to change the range of each bar.
Most Viewed Pages Shows the most viewed pages for the selected page category, and the 75th percentile of the selected metric for each page.
Resources Slowing Down Pages Shows the resources that are having the highest impact on the selected metric for the selected page category, and how often each resource loads.
Third Parties Slowing Down Pages Shows the Third Parties that are having the biggest impact on performance for the selected page category (for page load time only).
Resource Map Shows the most common type of resources for the selected page category.
Web Vitals Details Only available for core web vitals. Shows the elements that are having the greatest impact on the selected web vital metric.

Additional Diagnostics Tables

You can access the following tables to perform more detailed diagnostics for performance and core web vitals issues: 

Table Title Description How to Access
Largest Contentful Paint for Most Recent Page Loads

Shows each LCP event sequence for the 20 most recent page loads. Use the drop-down menu to display more or fewer page loads.

The largest contentful paints column shows which elements caused each largest contentful paint in the order that they loaded. The last element is the one measured by Google. In the example below, the largest element is an image that took 3.17 seconds to load. Click the image icon to view the image. To open the page in your browser, click the page URL and click Open in Browser.


  1. At the top of the page, select the Largest Contentful Paint data box.

  2. Under Diagnostics, click a page category and select Web Vitals Details in the drop-down menu.

  3. In the Largest Contentful Paint Information table, select an item in the Final DOM Element column and click Largest Contentful Paint Events.

Cumulative Layout Shift for Most Recent Page Loads

Shows the cumulative layout shift for the 20 most recent page loads. Shows the page URL, Google's CLS score for that page, and the number of times content shifted.

Use the drop-down menu to display more or fewer page loads.

  1. At the top of the page, select the Cumulative Layout Shift data box.

  2. Under Diagnostics, click a page category and select Web Vitals Details in the drop-down menu.

  3. In the Cumulative Layout Shift Information table, select an item in the Element column and click Cumulative Layout Shift Events.

Most Viewed Pages Containing Resource

Shows which pages contain a selected resource. Use this table to identify where a slow-to-load resource may be causing problems on your site.

The table also shows the selected metric for each page. For example, if the Time to Interactive data box is selected at the top of the dashboard, the table shows the time to interactive for each page.

  1. At the top of the page, click the desired data box.

  2. Under Diagnostics, click a page category and click Resources Slowing Down Pages.

  3. Click a resource URL and click Pages with Resource.


Resources Affecting a Page

Shows which resources load most often on the selected page, and the average last byte time for each.

Use this table to identify which resources are slowing down a particular page.

  1. Under Diagnostics, click a page category and click Most Viewed Pages.

  2. Click a page URL and click Resources Affecting This Page.