Performance Dashboard (Legacy)

Use this dashboard to investigate how you can improve your site speed by identifying the page categories, browsers, or devices where problems are occurring. Use the drop-down menu to toggle between timing metrics. The following metrics are available: 

Onload The time it takes for the initial HTML document to load with all stylesheets, images, and subframes. At this point, the page is usually interactive to users. Onload is used interchangeably with page load time throughout the Yottaa portal.
First Byte

The time from the start of a network request until the first byte of information reaches the shopper's browser.

Last Byte

The time from the start of a network request until the last byte of information reaches the shopper's browser.

DOM Complete

The amount of time it takes for the HTML document to be fully downloaded along with all stylesheets, images, and other resources. DOM Complete should occur right before the onload event. You can compare these two metrics to check if the onload event is taking longer than desired.

DOM Interactive

The amount of time it takes for the HTML document to be fully parsed, and the DOM to be built and able to interact with CSS, JavaScript, and other resources.

DOM Content Loaded The initial HTML document is loaded and parsed, without waiting for stylesheets, JavaScript, and other resources.
Domain Lookup

The amount of time it takes the server to look up the site's domain based on the HTTP request.

Time to Interactive

Measures the time when the page becomes reliably interactive to users by searching for a five-second pause in network activity after the last long task following the first contentful paint. TTI is the moment when that long task ends. If there is no long task after first contentful paint, TTI is the moment that first contentful paint is complete.

First Input Delay The time it takes for the page to respond to the first user interaction (for example, a click, tap, or a scroll). For a good user experience, the first input delay should be less than 100 milliseconds. This is one of Google's core web vitals and can only be measured on browsers that use the open-source Chromium code base.
Cumulative Layout Shift

The amount by which the content of a page shifts or reflows, which is visually disruptive and can cause users to accidentally click on the wrong element. For a good user experience, the cumulative layout shift score should be less than .1. This is one of Google's core web vitals and can only be measured on browsers that use the open-source Chromium code base.

Largest Contentful Paint The time it takes for the largest piece of visible content on a page to load. This metric does not measure when the content becomes interactive. This is one of Google's core web vitals and can only be measured on browsers that use the open-source Chromium code base.
Hero Image Display The time it takes to display a page's hero image.
Connect Time

The time it takes to establish a connection to the server.

First Paint The first moment that content is rendered on the screen, even if it is just a pixel.
Time of First Interaction The time that the user first interacts with the site.




Average Onload (dynamically changes based on the selected metric)

The average selected metric for your site's pages.

Onload 85th Percentile (dynamically changes based on the selected metric)

Shows the selected metric for customers having a slower experience on your site. Even if your average page load time is good, a slow 85th percentile indicates that many of your customers are having a slower experience than the average might suggest.

Page Delay Violations

The number of page delay violations that occur each time a shopper views one of your site's pages.



Average Resources per Page

The average number of photos, videos, third parties, JavaScript, and other resources that load each time a shopper views one of your site's pages.

Third Party Count

The total number of third parties that have loaded on your site during

Onload and Onload (Last Hour) (dynamically changes based on the selected metric)

These two graphs show the selected metric over the five days and over the past hour.

You can adjust the time period of the first graph by clicking in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Onload by Device Type and Onload by Device Type (Last Hour) (dynamically changes based on the selected metric)

These two graphs break down the selected metric by desktop, tablet, and mobile devices over the five days hour and over the past hour.

You can adjust the time period of the first graph by clicking in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Desktop Onload

Shows the selected metric for optimized and unoptimized traffic on desktop devices.

Mobile Onload

Shows the selected metric for optimized and unoptimized traffic on mobile devices.

Onload by Browser (dynamically changes based on the selected metric)

Shows the selected metric for different browsers over the past five days.

You can adjust the time period by clicking in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Chrome Onload

Shows the selected metric for optimized and unoptimized traffic on Chrome browsers.

Safari Onload

Shows the selected metric for optimized and unoptimized traffic on Safari browsers

Onload by Page Category

Shows the performance metrics for each page category on your site. You can manage page categories in Settings > Page Categories.