Options on the Settings Tab

You can adjust the Yottaa settings from the Settings tab in the Yottaa portal.

General Settings

Setting Description
Site Host Name The host name of your site, for example www.mysite.com.
Revenue Tracking If you have access to the Revenue Tracking feature, the feature is on by default. This setting controls whether the feature is enabled. See Tracking Revenue Data for more information.
Traffic By default, Yottaa leaves 1% of traffic unoptimized for comparison. You can adjust this percentage, and it may increase automatically depending on the volume of site requests.
Violation Thresholds

Yottaa measures the time a third party takes either before or after onload to identify violations by Page Delay (750 ms before onload by default) and Performance Risk (1500 ms after onload by default). Size violations are measured in KBs (1024 kb by default). You can adjust these times based on your site's expected performance.

Page Categories

See Page Categories.

Context Intelligence

Setting Description
User Profiles Configure user profiles to allow optimizations to be triggered based on client or page properties.
Split Tests

Split tests split traffic and provide two sets of data, optimized and unoptimized, based on the unoptimized percentage you specify.


See Anomalies and the Anomaly Dashboard.


Setting Description
Inventory Sampling Rate The percentage of sessions that return third party catalog information back to Yottaa, which is used to create the Third Party Inventory.
Corresponding Platform Site Sets the Yottaa site to link to a corresponding Platform site.
Default Community The default community that appears on the Community page.

Feature Flags

Flag Description
Enable Visitor Geo Data Collects visitor geographic data, including country, city, state, and ZIP code. Requires the Yo.geo() API.
Enable Service CTRL Enables Service Blocker for this site.
Site is a Single Page Application Denotes this site as a Single Page Application and enables the SPA dashboard.
Enable Conversion Insights Tracks conversion insights for this site.

Site Actions

Setting Description
Change Status Select Live, Bypass, Inactive, or Assessment.
Install Yottaa Provides instructions for installing Yottaa.
Open Documentation Provides instructions for using Yottaa Data API.
Control A/B Test Enables Control A/B Test.
Delete Site Deletes the site and all configurations and data.
Change Library Enables changing of the Yottaa JS Library version.
Flush Cache Purges content from the CDN cache.
Enable Controls whether Yottaa caches your performance and security rules.
Enable NS1 Displays and lets you change DNS usage and host.

Site Activity

Displays a list of actions performed on the site.