
YoBot uses Slack, a collaboration tool, to alert you about anomalies, or unusual behavior, on your site. Anomalies are not necessarily bad. Use alerts to triage and investigate further.

You can also ask YoBot to generate reports on site metrics. YoBot displays the following information: 


Alerts include line graphs displaying the anomaly as compared to a two-week baseline, as well as contributing factors. Anomaly alerts contain the same graphs that display in the Details view on the Anomaly dashboard.

YoBot also sends alerts when it detects a new trend, or a consistent change, in your site data. YoBot displays trends as a line graph, and allows you to ignore the trend or accept it as the new baseline from which to detect anomalies.


Alerts display automatically after you set up YoBot. To configure alerts, ask YoBot to set up the channel or, in the Yottaa portal, go to Settings > Anomalies.

Performance reports

Performance reports show how onload time, first byte, last byte, and page views have changed over time. They show you comparisons between the following periods of time: 

  • The past 24 hours and the previous 24 hour period

  • The past 30 days and the previous 30 day period

  • The past hour and the past 24 hours

To get this information, ask YoBot for a performance report for one of your sites.

Recent anomalies

YoBot tells you the last date and time that each anomaly type occurred. If an anomaly occurred within the past 12 hours, YoBot displays icons representing each hour. For example, here are icons representing Delay Page Load violations for a site: 

The icons indicate that a Delay Page Load violation anomaly happened four hours ago.

To see this information, ask YoBot to show you anomalies for one of your sites.

Recent trends

While they are not extreme enough to trigger an anomaly, they are meaningful enough for you to monitor and investigate.

To see if there's been a new trend recently, ask YoBot to show you trends. If you previously accepted or ignored the trend, you can undo that action.